
What’s it really like to work in architecture? The hosts of Archispeak know, and they’re here to share real-life experiences. Since 2012 architects Evan Troxel and Cormac Phalen have been podcasting their brand of real talk on everything from design, tools, and work/life balance to generational differences, mentoring, job hunting, and more. Probing questions, revelatory interviews, and unique insights have grown their audience and become a weekly ritual for students and seasoned professionals alike.

#39 - Srsly Millennials?

Srsly Millennials?
Evan Troxel, Neal Pann, Cormac Phalen

In this episode Archispeak gets fired up and takes on the latest architectural meme - Millennials. We question the self proclaimed “millennial architect” and discuss how we can help them be the agent of change they so desperately want to be. Well, really we just riff on one millennial that does everything he can to make sure he will never work in the architectural profession.

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Episode 39 supporting Friends of the Show: 

  1. Kyu Kim

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Architect Exam Prep.

Another way you can support the show and help yourself pass the ARE, is by visiting our “Pass the Architect’s Registration Exam” page.  For those of you not yet licensed, here's an affordable set of study tools to help you conquer the ARE's. David's study guides are proven to get you passing the exams. How do we know? Our listeners have told us!


Note: All links open in a new window in case you are listening to the podcast on the site.


The music for this episode is This is What You Get by System Kid. You can buy their music on iTunes. Support the band!

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